2024 - 2025 Club Officers*
Co-Presidents: Cassandra
Vice President: Joanna
Treasurer: Delaney
Secretary: Val
Attendance: Katherine
Sunshine: Katelynn & Olivia
Reporter: Austin
Sergeant at Arms: Henry
Photographer: Austin & Theo
Recreation: JP, Cameron, & Declan
Adult Leadership
General Leaders: Jenny Weisensel
Enrollment Coordinators: Laura Matter
Junior Leader Advisors: Jenny Weisensel, Laura Bond, & Kim Baclawski
Project Volunteer Coordinator: Laura Bond & Laura Matter
Tucker Times Editor: Kaylan Boldus
Website & Social Media: Kim Baclawski
Service Coordinator: Devon Collery
Calendar Manager: Devon Collery
Fundraising Coordinator: Michelle Roberts
Pancake Breakfast Chairs: Laura Bond, Chris Krupkowski, & Jenny Weisensel
*Club Officer positions are held by Junior Leaders
(Club members who are in grade 7 and up)
Expectations of Jr. Leaders:
- Attend Jr. Leader meetings: 6:30pm, prior to General Meeting & 3rd Sunday of the month
- Attend General Meetings: 2nd Monday, monthly
- Attend Racine County Junior Leader Meetings: 4th Monday, monthly